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Iro - entryway - What's the deal with h...


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File: demon.jpg (253.29 KB, 1920x1080)
08/20/21(Fri)05:01:50 No.41613

What's the deal with hyper femininity? It seems entirely self serving. Feeding your ego by taking 5 hours to apply kilos of makeup. Surely no one sane would torment themselves like this.
Bathing, wearing perfume and light makeup is understandable since they accentuate what is there (though some may say even that is too much). May as well buy a rubber mask.

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Femininity is the trait that society is naturally designed to favor most, and because of the marginalization of masculinity, it’s the only thing many aspire for anymore, even if, as you say, it seems like an endless void of imperfection.
<insert reasons for corruption of SOCIETY for this purpose here>