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Iro - entryway - Just making sure


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Just making sure
08/02/21(Mon)02:29:30 No.39358

You guys do know the moon isn't real right?

If that’s true, how come it turns yellow every time I kill someone?

t.NASA shill
Come kill me then faggot. Well see what turns yellow, your "moon" or your pants.

I don’t know where you live, and I doubt Iromoot wants me to either.

1209 Barley Mill Rd, Wilmington, DE 19807
Ready for you anytime 3 letter agent.

Obvs, the real issue is how gravity cannot be accounted for. This simulation is crap tier.

Eh, with travel restrictions nowadays, not only would it be a pain to get there, but I’d probably be more likely to get caught, so I’ll give it to ya.