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Iro - entryway - Cool Spot


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File: coolspot.gif (536.93 KB, 500x480)
Cool Spot
07/10/21(Sat)18:39:08 No.37074

Welcome to the Cool Spot.

Tor: http://coolspotrm6ak66adrcfium2vdrf5fvxshuq5vvpvk6kvrwxv6zj4gid.onion/
<Already down
Bummer, guess I’ll never know what it was all about.

You didn't miss much.
Allegedly, many of the one-off chans that make the rounds (look in /listchan/ for more examples) were made by one person. He'll make a new one, spam it and then grab user IP's and delete it within a week.
This is something I came across on Not sure if this is true, but stranger things have happened. Anyone with more info feel free to confirm/deny.