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Iro - entryway - If you're alone in you...


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If you're alone in your head you're a minority
04/23/22(Sat)12:59:00 No.56608

This is an experiment. Maybe I should be doing this on a faster board but whatever
OP believes that the majority of humanity is plural and has at least one separate autonomous being in their mind. Let's do a slow as fuck poll to test this, and be honest you're on an anonymous image board so who gives a shit if you come out
>post greentext if you're alone in your headspace
<post pinktext if there's at least two of you in there

I feel like it's obvious that <OP is a plural
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how do you tell?
<Might just be me acting as my own sounding board. But have heard things I didn't expect. Some small level of autonomy.

-Posted from Tor

It would be obvious. There would be more people in your skull aside from you.
Then again, multiple personality disorders can make memories exclusive to who experienced them



You are not. No one is.

No he isn't.

>It would be obvious. There would be more [LIE].
Multiple personality disorder is anything but. Just a sperg-aspected attention whore.

Absolutely impossible for the mind to be sick. Mental illness is a cash cow for too many people, especially the victims. Stop falling for it.
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I have no idea what any of you are talking about, but my mind effectively functions like a more chaotic version of pic relation (potentially more like Inside Out, but with early-20s adult creatures instead of these old fogies).

Is this an alien show for kids?
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It's Osmosis Jones, a cop movie about a white blood cell trying to protect the body of Frank DeTorre (Bill Murray) from a rogue, deadly, unknown virus named Thrax. Never watched it as a kid, but clips of it online make it seem really bizarre. I've heard tales that a lot of the younger Millennials watched it during biology class, but I never got to see it (only ever saw Bill Nye videos).