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Iro - entryway - Secret Bonk


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File: boink.png (201.33 KB, 367x360)
Secret Bonk
09/16/21(Thu)00:51:21 No.42866

v--video-games touhou mu
A while ago I happened upon an old bonk-style remix of "U.N. Owen Was Her?" on my almost-dead computer, and I was really glad to find it since the old version was long deleted. However, since this is something I spent years searching for, it came up in conversation both in-person and online, and now those want me to upload it, but I've since hit a point where I'm not sure I want to since it feels like I've found a lost treasure that would be spoiled if I just shared it on the internet.

Any advice on what I should do with it? (At this point, I'd pretty much be doxxing my personal accounts if I uploaded it after this post, so that's out of the question.)





You could jettison the file on an archive site for posterity under an obscure name. I don't know your personal feelings on the track, but if you like it a lot and would like to share there are many private options.
If it's personally important make several offline back ups of it. Thumbdrives are cheap and you can look back on it from time to time.
I'd share but not from any personal accounts.

There are a dozen ways to upload it anonymously.
Either do that or shut up.
I've thought about it for a while, and I think I'm just gonna hide it on the site at some point. Don't know where or how yet, but it will happen eventually.