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Iro - entryway - Manly food


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File: too girly food.png (90.56 KB, 714x370)
Manly food
07/03/21(Sat)10:08:11 No.35973

Can any man please tell me what makes food gendered please?? My female intellect is too inferior to see through the levels of genius that is sexism.. 😭
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There are women on this site? Guess I should change the way I post.

That aside, I assume the guy thought whatever was prepared was either too small, too plant-based, or too clean for a proper celebratory dinner. I definitely would say he’s using “girly” as a basic way of saying the spread didn’t meet his eating habits, which I’d say was either due to a lack of communication or something that hasn’t occurred until now and should be resolved between the two parties. Regardlessl, it’s a bit closed-minded to say the wife should “throw the whole husband out.” Marriage is a compromise after all, and both parties should establish where their boundaries lie, and not just reject them for one thing they dislike about the other.

lol no women on the internet at all m8
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Oh yeah, my mistake. Thanks for reminding me,
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No problem brother. Anytime

Yes there girl here
Guy In Real Life

Go back to lolcow and rope femoid
Women are proven to more retarded than men